Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Privacy Odyssey at Zenith Yoga Vietnam

Welcome to Zenith Yoga Vietnam’s Privacy Odyssey. Your trust is paramount, and we’re committed to safeguarding your privacy in every aspect of your digital journey with us.

1. The Zenith Pledge:

At Zenith Yoga Vietnam, we value your privacy as much as you value your practice. Our commitment is to ensure that your personal information is treated with the utmost respect, care, and security.

2. Information Constellations:

To enhance your experience, we may collect certain information, such as your name, contact details, and preferences. Rest assured, this data is purely celestial; we use it to tailor our services to your unique orbit and never share it without your cosmic consent.

3. Secure Asanas:

Your data security is our top priority. We employ state-of-the-art encryption and security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, ensuring that your digital yoga mat remains a safe and sacred space.

4. Third-Eye Visibility:

We may collaborate with third-party service providers to optimize your experience. However, your data remains under our watchful gaze. We only partner with those who share our commitment to privacy and adhere to the same celestial standards.

5. Cookies and Star Trails:

Just as the stars leave trails in the night sky, cookies leave digital trails on our site. These tiny data fragments help us understand your cosmic preferences better. You have the power to control these trails through your browser settings.

6. Celestial Updates:

To keep you in the loop about our cosmic offerings and celestial events, we may send you updates. Fear not, you can opt out anytime, and we won’t flood your celestial inbox with unnecessary messages.

7. Constellation Sharing:

Your testimonials and shared experiences may become part of our constellation of success stories. Rest assured, we’ll seek your celestial approval before featuring your shining moments on our platform.

8. Lunar Changes:

This Privacy Odyssey is subject to occasional lunar changes. We recommend revisiting this page from time to time to stay informed about any celestial adjustments we make to our privacy practices.

9. Reach Out:

If you ever have questions about your privacy journey with us or wish to exercise your cosmic rights, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Privacy Stewards at [privacy@zenithyogavietnam.com].

Embark on your digital odyssey with the peace of mind that your privacy is as sacred to us as the ancient teachings of yoga.

In Cosmic Harmony, The Zenith Yoga Vietnam Privacy Stewards